About Us

We provide in-house training for all our staff, preparing them to pass entry requirements for professional job placements both in the UAE and in the UK.
We are a Technical and Occupational Skills Training Institute specializing in supporting the upskilling and on-boarding of Medical Facility Staffing and Home Health Workers:
The UAE has more than 1 million Home Health Nurses, Caregivers, Nannies and Childminders. In the UAE and UK, There is a shortage of Professional Standardization in services delivered within Home Health Nursing, Caregiving, (Adults and Children with Special Needs, Autism, Etc.) and Professional Nanny and Child Care in the home environment.

Qualified Nanny Program
(UK Standard L3)

clock icon 120 Hrs

An essential training program for all Nannies. The Qualified Nanny Program offers a structured and practical program delivering the best UK practices for professional full time child-care providers. The course focuses in 3 main areas and utilizes USA award winning baby simulators, pediatric mannequins and technology to give students a hands-on approach to childcare. The course focuses on

Child Development & Child Protection Years Education

Introduction to Pediatric First Aid

Housekeeping Management

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Child Care at Home Program

clock icon 120 Hrs

An Introduction to ChildCare, taught by British Nannies!. A fast track course to refresh and update before you join a new family. Learn about the different developmental stages and feeding stages from Newborn to toddlers.
The Real Care Baby program uses simulators (Anatomically correct, life size and weighted infant mannequins) with curriculum to help users understand the physical, emotional, and social effects of caring for an infant 24-hours a day. The Real Care Baby program is the only infant simulator that uses wireless programming and reporting. During a simulation experience students determine whether baby needs feeding, burping, rocking or changing.

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Maternity Program
Pregnancy & Newborn Awareness for
Home Health Workers

clock icon 120 Hrs

An essential training program for all caregivers looking after mothers pre and post-delivery. The Maternity Program offers a structured and practical program delivering the best UK and USA practices as well as studying other cultural norms.
The course focuses in 3 main areas and utilizes USA award winning baby simulators, pediatric mannequins and technology to give students a The RealCare® Pregnancy Profile® Simulator replicates the third trimester of pregnancy. This wearable pregnancy vest and curriculum helps users understand pregnancy’s impact on the body as well as life goals, finances, relationships, and emotions. Users experience a 25- to 30-lb. weight gain, elevated body temperature, bladder pressure, fetal movement and difficulty breathing.
The Practice manager also assists in breastfeeding techniques and emotional support for new nursing mothers.

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Caregivers Program:
Elderly Care (UK Standard L3)

clock icon 120 Hrs

A good caregiver requires a wide skill set to meet all the challenges of day-day elderly patient care. Illness + disabilities, Safety Hazards, Personal Care and Housekeeping around the elderly requires knowledge for a professional caregiver to have compassion, sympathy and best practices.
Our course offers a real insight into Elderly Caregiving with UK standard course and real experience utilizing life-like simulators and curriculum to help understand the physical, emotional, and social effects of caring for elderly 24 hours a day.

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Caregivers Program:
Adults with Autistic Spectrum and ADHD

clock icon 120 Hrs

This course focuses on understanding adults on the Autistic spectrum and some techniques for the most effective life skills with learning and cognitive support.

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Home Health Rehabilitation Program
Post Surgery

clock icon 120 Hrs

Knowing how to handle patients post-surgery in a hospital is well documented as per the hospital standards and patient care charters, but what happens when a Nurse or Caregiver goes not somebody’s home.? In the UK the standards are set by the Care Inspectorates, and as such we train our staff according to the UK’s standards. For the UAE we ensure all staff have their appropriate DHA, MOH and HAAD or DHCC license to practice certificates.
Our training program looks at Post Surgery care for elected surgeries, emergency surgeries, and cosmetic/plastic surgery care. The UAE has a booming cosmetic and healthcare tourism business and as such requires after care at home.

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Home Health Rehabilitation Program
Post Delivery (Post Partum)

clock icon 120 Hrs

We train all our Nurses and Caregivers on how to handle the delicate and wonderous time for mother and baby care at home post-delivery.
We look into cultural norms and traditions as well as nutrition, rest and exercise, hormones, breast feeding, sleep management for newborns and establishing new routines for the family with confidence.

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Home Health Rehabilitation Program
Post Hospitalization

clock icon 120 Hrs

Caring for a loved one post hospitalization is an arduous task to manage alone. Caregiving throughout this time can offer huge support and well being to the patient and the extended family.
We train all our staff 24 hour nursing care practices, use of medical equipment, Physiotherapy support, how to handle restricted mobility, assistance with Housekeeping and managing the home, maintaining proper nutrition, medication, hydration, and personal hygiene.

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Cultural Awareness Program
Shortage Occupation-Skilled Workers UK
and the UAE Migrating from Overseas

clock icon 120 Hrs

  • Cultural Awareness with Job Roles, Duties and Responsibilities for the UAE and UK.
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30 Days Settling in Program

clock icon 120 Hrs

  • For Private Clients engaging a Personal Nurse or Home Health Worker.
  • The First 30 Days offers a tried and tested system for effective engagement and settling-in period in order to get the best from your Acoup worker.
  • A step-by-step approach.


Free Uniforms, Lanyards, Workbooks, Folders
For All Staff Undergoing Training